Dog Training

Knowing how to train your dog is very important! That is why this shows the available classes for learning how to train your dog.


Excercise for your dog is very important!

Each and every dog needs their own unique excercise routine. Mostly bigger dogs need more walks and runs while smaller dogs are allowed to rest more.

Bigger Dogs

  • Five to six walks a day: after breakfast, lunch, dinner
  • Three runs a day (playing fetch is also very good)
  • If accessible, going swimming

Smaller Dogs

  • Two to four walks a day: after breakfast, lunch, dinner
  • One run a day (playing fetch is also very good)
  • If accessible, going swimming


Your dog's diet is also very crucial.

Each and every dog has different things it can eat.

Absolutely Cannot Eat

  • Chocolate
  • Fruit

Reccomended to Eat

  • Kibble
  • Meat
  • Eggs


Make sure to remember your dog's conditions and to give medicine by following instructions from the vet.

My Dog's Journal

Name Idea: Funny Event that happened today

By putting down what they ate, you can track their diet.

Journal Entries