

Own Album in Python Dictionary

am_album = {
    "title": "AM",
    "artist": "Artic Monkeys",
    "year": 2013,
    "genre": ["Indie"],
    "tracks": {
        1: "Do I Wanna Know",
        2: "R U Mine?",
        3: "One For The Road",
        4: "Arabella",
        5: "I Want It All",
        6: "No. 1 Party Anthem",
        7: "Mad Sounds",
        8: "Fireside",
        9: "Why'd You Only Call me When You're High",
        10: "Snap Out of It",
        11: "Knee Socks",
        12: "I Wanna Be Yours"

# Printing the dictionary
{'title': 'AM', 'artist': 'Artic Monkeys', 'year': 2013, 'genre': ['Indie'], 'tracks': {1: 'Do I Wanna Know', 2: 'R U Mine?', 3: 'One For The Road', 4: 'Arabella', 5: 'I Want It All', 6: 'No. 1 Party Anthem', 7: 'Mad Sounds', 8: 'Fireside', 9: "Why'd You Only Call me When You're High", 10: 'Snap Out of It', 11: 'Knee Socks', 12: 'I Wanna Be Yours'}}
{1: 'Do I Wanna Know', 2: 'R U Mine?', 3: 'One For The Road', 4: 'Arabella', 5: 'I Want It All', 6: 'No. 1 Party Anthem', 7: 'Mad Sounds', 8: 'Fireside', 9: "Why'd You Only Call me When You're High", 10: 'Snap Out of It', 11: 'Knee Socks', 12: 'I Wanna Be Yours'}
No. 1 Party Anthem
am_album["producer"] = ['James Ford, Arctic Monkeys']

# Printing the dictionary
{'title': 'AM', 'artist': 'Artic Monkeys', 'year': 2013, 'genre': ['Indie'], 'tracks': {1: 'Do I Wanna Know', 2: 'R U Mine?', 3: 'One For The Road', 4: 'Arabella', 5: 'I Want It All', 6: 'No. 1 Party Anthem', 7: 'Mad Sounds', 8: 'Fireside', 9: "Why'd You Only Call me When You're High", 10: 'Snap Out of It', 11: 'Knee Socks', 12: 'I Wanna Be Yours'}, 'producer': ['James Ford, Arctic Monkeys']}
for k,v in am_album.items(): # iterate using a for loop for key and value
    print(str(k) + ": " + str(v))

tracks = am_album["tracks"]
for k, v in tracks.items():
    print(str(k) + ": " + str(v))
title: AM
artist: Artic Monkeys
year: 2013
genre: ['Indie']
tracks: {1: 'Do I Wanna Know', 2: 'R U Mine?', 3: 'One For The Road', 4: 'Arabella', 5: 'I Want It All', 6: 'No. 1 Party Anthem', 7: 'Mad Sounds', 8: 'Fireside', 9: "Why'd You Only Call me When You're High", 10: 'Snap Out of It', 11: 'Knee Socks', 12: 'I Wanna Be Yours'}
producer: ['James Ford, Arctic Monkeys']
1: Do I Wanna Know
2: R U Mine?
3: One For The Road
4: Arabella
5: I Want It All
6: No. 1 Party Anthem
7: Mad Sounds
8: Fireside
9: Why'd You Only Call me When You're High
10: Snap Out of It
11: Knee Socks
12: I Wanna Be Yours
def search():
    search = input("What would you like to know about the album?")
    if am_album.get(search.lower()) == None:
        print("Invalid Search")


# This is a very basic code segment, how can you improve upon this code?
def research():
    search = input("What would you like to know about the album?")
    if am_album.get(search.lower()) == None:
        print(search, " is an invalid input, try again!")
['James Ford, Arctic Monkeys']