Performance Task

For my project for APCSP, I want to make a website that will record your dog’s mood and will be essentially a mood tracker.

The input will change by the person’s response, and based on the person’s stats that will be stored in Info.dB. Then the computer will organize the data into a table and then transform into a graph.

Data Abstraction

The coding in this project will consist of mostly data and storing it through different types of code. I have to limit the input that a person can give to 5 different moods, so it is easier for the code store it.

Managing Complexity

This is still in a work in progress, but the main objective of this idea is to compare data and to organize it by every day, month, and year. I will put the data into a table and develop a procedure, where they will put the information into a table.

Procedural Abstraction

The procedure is storing data through the person’s input, and will be tracking how the person feels while also noticing different types of patterns and major differences in their mood on a daily basis.

Algorithm Implementation

The algorithm will be based on their mood and organize their thoughts. Another feature that can be added to the website is that the person could share why they are in this mood, which will be recorded and can be viewed later. Once this algorithm is developed, it will be thoroughly discussed.


The testing will be done on video, with me explaining each section, including a written explanation on each section.