What I liked

Night at the museum was very fun and I had a great time there. I saw many projects including Rebecca’s project which was a website based on school clubs at our school. She accessed the database and was able to show all the clubs in our school currently along with the type, the teacher, and the room the meetings were in. You could also add reviews on her website.

Another place I went was to the AP Art room where I saw a lot of amazing art and photography!

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The night at the museum was really well organized and I liked how it was obvious where everything was. I really liked the whole event and it was really nice.

What I wish I changed

I wish I could change the due date of the event because if we had more time, I would have been able to make sure that the project was running. I also wish we had like specific stations so it was easier to interact with the different websites because at the place, it was really messy and people were all over the place and it was chaotic.