
  • Listing the purposes of the project
  • Listing the features and why they are connected to the purpose/project
  • How the features work, what the limits are and what it is currently doing. What you want to plan for the feature in the future.
  • Showing how some features can do CRUD
    • What the feature is with the picture and accurate design, screenshots of what the person does
  • Tells roles of the person and what they did specifically for the project
  • Reason of why they created this project and how it is connected to the community and real world
  • Talk of the “Model, View, Control Flow”
    • She is showing the API and the users that are created throughout and how the users are used and basically data abstraction used in the program.
    • Showing the importance of the project
  • She created a search option, an ability to log hours, to add clubs, to show clubs in an organized manner
  • Showing the basic overview that shows the API and database and the basic coding for backend in general using flow charts.
    • Shows the plan of project development (scrumboard) through spreadsheats
    • Shows the manifesto