3.1.1 Notes

Variables and Assignments

Essential Knowledge:

  • A variable is an abstraction inside a program that can hold a value. Each variable has associated data storage that represents one value at a time, but that value can be a list or other collection that in turn contains multiple values.
  • Using meaningful variable names helps with readability of program code and understanding of what values are represented by the variables.
  • Some programming languages provide types to represent data, which are referenced using variables. These types include numbers, Booleans, lists, and strings.
  • Some values are better suited to representation using one type of datum rather than another.

What is a variable?

  • An abstraction inside a program that can hold a value

An example naming variables

  • You want to store the highest score you scored in a game. So, you want to call this variable highScore
  • You want to store a name, so you can call the variable firstName
  • It is also possible to store true or false in a variable. For example, the variable could be called isSunny, where true and false are stored in the variable.
  • phoneNumber could be a variable that stores phone numbers.
  • These examples are short and convenient as opposed to a long description
  • However, they give insight to the basic goal of the variable.
  • Spaces also cause a problem because it is not allowed
  • Dashes and numbers are also less ideal.

Data Type examples

  • highScore --> an integer
    • probably doing addition or subtraction, save it as an integer or numbers.
  • firstName --> text(or string)
    • since a name is text, it should be saved as a string
  • isSunny --> boolean
    • only gives two options: true or false within variable
  • phoneNumber --> text(string)
    • no math involved just a string of numbers


Question: What would be the best variable name and data type to store a user's age in a program?

  • Answer: name: age data type: integer

Q: What would be the best variable name and data type to store the number of students in your class?

  • A: name: numStudents data type: integer to add and subtract

Q: What would be the best variable name and data type to store the title of a movie?

  • A: name: movieTitle data type: text(or string)

Q: What would be the best variable name and data type to store if someone's pet is a dog.

  • A: name: isDog data type: boolean

3.1.2 Notes

What will you learn?

You will learn how to determine the value of a variable as a result of an assignment.

Essential Knowledge

  • The assignment operater allows a program to change the value represented to a variable.
  • The exam reference sheet uses the "⟵" to use for assignment. For example, Text: a ⟵ expression Then the code would display a block text of "a ⟵ expression". The code will evaluate expression and then assigns a copy of the result to the variable a.
  • The value stored in a variable will be the most recent value assigned. For example,

    • a ⟵ 1
    • a ⟵ b
    • a ⟵ 2


The code will display 1.

Storing Values

When storing values, you assign them to a variable.


  1. highScore ⟵ 100
  • The highScore is my assignment operator and it is storing the value of 100 inside itself as a variable. This will set my highScore to 100.
  1. firstName ⟵ "Ashley"
  • The firstName is the variable and the text we are storing inside is "Ashley." We know that the name is in text because of the quotation marks around the assignment.
  1. isRaining ⟵ true
  • The isRaining variable has the intention to be a Boolean variable which checks true or false, but it's been assigned to store the value true.
  1. phoneNumber ⟵ "555-0101"
  • The phoneNumber variable and the number we are storing is "555-0101" The number is written within text because we are not planning to do math with this number.

Additional Vocabulary

Elements: individual value in a list that is assigned a unique index. And elements are referenced by an index.

Index: referencing elements in a list or string using natural numbers

3.2.2 Notes


Lists allow for data abstraction

  • Variables like strings, numbers, characters, and more can be bundled together
  • It could be empty from the start and you can add more variables as needed
  • If you set one list equal to another list, or transfer data from one list to another, the data will be completely replaced.
  • You can also append data from one list to another, keeping the old data and adding the new data.

Key Vocabulary

  • list: a sequence of several variables grouped together
  • variable: a way of storing information in a computer program, which could later be changed, referenced, and used
  • data types: a set of values and operations on those values
  • abstract data types: a data type whose internal representation is hidden from the client
  • client: a program that uses a data type
  • objects: a structure that can take on a data-type value
  • Applications programming interface (API): which is a list of constructors and instance methods or operations, used to specify the behavior of an abstract data type

Big Ideas

  1. Lists can store any types of elements.
  2. In all lists operations, if a list index is less than 1 or greater than the length of the list, an error message is made and the program will terminate.
  3. Data abstraction provides a separation between the abstract properties of a data type and the concrete details of its representation.

3.1.1 Hacks

Question 1:

  • The answer is 1 because it is counting a number that is changing so it is integer.

Question 2:

  • The answer is 3 because it is a true or false question.

Question 3:

  • The answer is 1 because it is a number that is not changing.

Question 4:

  • The answer is 2 because it is too long.

Question 5:

  • The answer is 1 because it is true or false.

Question 6:

  • The answer is 4 because it is true statements.

Practice Questions I made:

  1. To check if the weather is good or not, what should it be? It is weatherGood and boolean
  2. To record the highest test score, what should it be? It is highTestScore and string
  3. To record the color of the phone, what should it be? It is phoneColor and string

3.1.2 Hacks

I got the last question wrong, and that's because I forgot which order it went and that it does not repeat at all. I now know that the correct answer is because the variables have values thanks to the previous five statements. In the sixth sentence, b is given the value of x + b, which is 40. The seventh sentence gives a the value of x + 1, or 21. The value of c + d / 2 is assigned to d in the ninth sentence. Division takes priority over addition in the order of operations. The number 50 is given to d since c is 30 and d / 2 is 20. The values of a, b, c, and d are shown in the final four assertions.

Practice Questions I made:

  • Question 1

num1 <- 8

num2 <- 3

num2 <- num1 + num2

DISPLAY(num2) = 11

  • Question 2

A <- 4

B <- 5

X <- A


  • Question 3

Y <- 1

Z <- 2

W <- Y


  • Question 4

T <- 45

D <- 12

X <- T + D


  • Question 5

testA <- 40

testB <- 50

testC <- 60

testAll <- testA + testB + testC

DISPLAY(testAll) = 150

  • Question 6

labD <- 1

labE <- 2

labD <- labE


3.2.2 Hacks

Question 1: 7

Question 2: 11

Question 3: 107

Question 4: 1100

Question 5: 101100

Question 6: 11111110

Question 7: 4

Question 8: 1

Question 9: 3

Question 10: 4

Question 11: 4

Question 12: 2

Question 13: 3

Question 14: 2

Question 15: 6