Collegeboard MC Score

I got 38/50

Question 21:

  • I said C which was “The number 10 is displayed” because I thought that it was not limited, but apparently the correct answer was D which was “Nothing is displayed; the program results in an infinite loop.”

Question 23:

  • I said D which was “1 2 3 4 5” which is wrong because it displays multiple numbers and it should only display one number so the correct answer is A which is “5.”

Question 25:

  • I said C but its is incorrect because the value of the variable j starts at 1 and increases by 2. If is replaced with the expression j = 7, the expression will evaluate to true when j is 7 and the loop will end. The correct answer is A which is j = 6.

Question 27:

  • I said A but its is incorrect because it is not supposed to say that n = n + 1. The correct answer is D.

Question 28:

  • I said A and D, but it was A and C. D is wrong because after completing the inner Repeat 2 times loop, the robot will be in the center square of the grid facing down. Since this loop is nested inside another Repeat 2 times loop, these commands are executed again. At the end of execution, the robot will be in the same position at which it started. So C and A is correct.

Question 30:

  • I said A and C, but it was B and C. A is wrong because it will not draw the circle after (x,y,r). So the correct answer is B and C.

Question 31:

  • I said that the answer was A but that is incorrect because if a is 30 and b is 50, the original code segment would result in final values of a equals 30 and b equals 70. However, changing line 7 to b equals 20. would result in final values of a equals 30 and b equals 20. So the correct answer is A

Question 34:

  • I said C which was “The number 10 is displayed” because I thought that it was not limited, but apparently the correct answer was D which was “Nothing is displayed; the program results in an infinite loop.”

Question 36:

  • I said D which was “1 2 3 4 5” which is wrong because it displays multiple numbers and it should only display one number so the correct answer is A which is “5.”

Question 40:

  • I said C but its is incorrect because the value of the variable j starts at 1 and increases by 2. If the condition is replaced with the expression j = 7, the expression will evaluate to true when j is 7 and the loop will end. The correct answer is A which is j = 6.

Question 43:

  • I said A but its is incorrect because it is not supposed to say that n = n + 1. The correct answer is D.

Question 48:

  • I said A and D, but it was A and C. D is wrong because after completing the inner Repeat 2 times loop, the robot will be in the center square of the grid facing down. Since this loop is nested inside another Repeat 2 times loop, these commands are executed again. At the end of execution, the robot will be in the same position at which it started. So C and A is correct.