
  • We are not stuck at a certain spot, and the things can be improved. We can control a lot more of our happiness.
  • Taking control of our life is very difficult sometimes, and we should not undermine ourselves if we fail
  • Do not rely on what single thing to achieve happiness, for example, lottery wins are not as important and only affect a small part of us, compared to what we think
  • Happiness is achieved not a single moment, but multiples things that build up to another
  • Friendships and being social is a very important part of daily life as well as helping others and being grateful towards them
  • Have self-care and care for yourself, exercise and do something good for your own well being
  • Be patient and be present in the moment, realize that we are staring at our phones and we should look up and enjoy our lives as they are right now

Gratitude List

Things I am very grateful for:

  • my family for always being there for me
  • food and water that I eat every day
  • going to school everyday
  • being healthy and able to move and exercise
  • my friends and places I go with them

Gratitude to my Friend

A message I wrote to them: "Thank you so much for being my friend for such long time and putting up with me everyday. You are such a kind and beautiful person and you mean so much to me."

Gratitude to someone at home

A message I wrote to my parents: "Thank you for being there everyday for me and taking care of me everyday. I am so grateful for having parents like you and you are so amazing and inspirational and my role models. I hope you live for a very long time so I will be able to help you like you help me everyday. I love you."


  • Academic: I want to be productive and hard-working through my whole career, and I hope I study things without getting distracted. I will maintain my health while studying and work hard.
  • Personal Life: I want to maintain my mental and physical health and care more about myself than others. I want to do things I enjoy and pursue my interests instead of others.
  • Social Life: I want to keep in touch with my family and call my family who lives in Korea every week. I hope I don't drift from my friends and enjoy my time with my family and friends.

Personal Journey in CSP

I want to learn more about coding in different languages like Python, Java, and maybe C++. I also want to successfully finish my project for this class.

Things I did for myself

On Saturday, my family and I drove to LA to eat out to my family's favorite place. It has been a long time since we have done this and it was a great way to catch up with each other's life and enjoy each other's presence while having a delicious food. I enjoy being with a lot of people and this really helped me distress over school and other things.